Token swapping (also known as token migration) is the transfer of tokenization techniques from one blockchain to another. When you need to invest which type of investment using tokens and your balance is not enough, you need to change from another token to the token you need.
USDT/BNB: Price: real-time pricing of Binance Market, fee: 1% for all.
USDT/ATM: Price: Using a liquidity pool like Uniswap v2, fee: 0% for USDT->ATM and 5% for ATM->USDT.
BNB/ATM: Price: Using a pool of USDT/ATM and converting USDT/BNB, fee: 1% for BNB->ATM and 6% for ATM->BNB.
How to
Click Swap/Trade in the menu, or go to https://athosmeta.com/swap
Choose token from and token to, then enter the amount of token you need to swap
Click swap and confirm
Slippage tolerance
Slippage tolerance is a setting for the amount of price slippage you are willing to accept for a trade. By setting slippage tolerance, you basically set a minimum amount on how many tokens you will accept, in the event that the price increases or decreases.
Last updated